No one could have predicted the number of enthusiasts who would descend upon the Praxis Gallery, Basel, eager to witness the honouring of Noémi Speiser, a legend in the world of textile art. It was standing room only at "The Magic of Threads", the comprehensive exhibition staged by the the Praxis Gallery, celebrating Speiser’s life’s work and providing the setting for the launch of her new book “An Annotated Classification of Textile Techniques”, published by Haupt Verlag.
As visitors eagerly poured in, formal tributes were made to the honorary citizen of nearby canton Aargau. Guests were then immersed in the unique collection of photographs, documents, drawings, analyses and original research objects, revealing the intricate path tirelessly pursued by the genius of threads in her quest to make this art form understood by the world. To the thrill of the queueing fans, the show’s dazzling 97 year-old luminary, industriously yet gracefully signed copies of her new book and cheerfully shared insights with admirers as she reviewed the exhibits.
Check out some of the scenes:
Key words: Textile art, Noémi Speiser, braiding, diagonal weaving
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Cracking the Code: A Spotlight interview with Noémi Speiser Click here
The Magic of threads. Click here