I was invited by gallerist Daria Lobyntseva, founder of on-line gallery. Voskhod, to the opening of her new physical gallery in Basel. I find the new 'space' and the group of guests gathered for its launch in an intriguing nook within the access passages to Basel's Swiss and French railway station. It's a glacial evening but spirits are warm. The excitement being the featured artist, Fedora Akimova and the installation that laid hidden behind the paper covered 'vitrines' of the gallery space.
With the paper finally and ceremoniously stripped off, we have first sight of Fedora's oeuvre entitled 'Noah'. This is a detailed piece combining a hand embroidered transparent canvas, a multitude of animal figurines - extinct, current and imaginary - and a central religious icon (a 'kiot'). There are no humans in sight and the viewer is left with feelings of unease. I sense the power of her implied disturbing message of man's destructive existence and I am eager to understand more. Please do stay tuned as this fuller explanation will be shared in a forthcoming post.
A joyful evening for sure but none the less a poignant and powerful message from Fedora, who, due to the current 'man-made' conflict, has just fled her hometown in the Ukraine to live and work in Tbilisi, Georgia. An exhibition of the time for sure, an exhibition that reflects our destiny, I hope not. Thank you Fedora for the wake-up call!
© Copyright Hazel Clarke 2022