Of course art has the magic power to put into sharp focus both the wonders of the world and its woes. It can celebrate that which is intriguing, press a nerve on social injustice and unmask cloaked taboos.
Fashion too, as an art form, is a reflection of society’s mood. And in my latest Spotlight interview, I discover the extent to which fashion mimics or even precedes societal discourses. Latching on with lightening speed to the movements of change and the undercurrents of revolt, reflecting newly established etiquettes, political orders and social hierarchies, fashion throughout the ages has been a communication powerhouse.
I had the honour to interview Messieurs Martin Kamer and Wolfgang Ruf, the undisputed yet understated kings of European historical haute couture and textile collections. The Kamer-Ruf collection, a unique assemblage of clothing, accessories and textiles straddling six centuries, offers a clear window onto epochs long gone, eras cradled in an unstoppable nostalgia where finery and fabrics were the symbols of aristocratic privilege, status and power. The true ‘peacocks’ of the past were in their element. An absolute must read in The GAZE.
The Kamer-Ruf Colleciion is on show until 30 June at Praxis Art, Bäumleingasse, 9, 4051, Basel. Enquiries: art@praxisart.org tel:41793206023
© Copyright Hazel Clarke 2023